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The Department of Anatomy has been conducting various scheduled Webinars in Anatomy, Dentistry and also in the thrust areas of research. These webinars serve as an important forum of scientific discussion between the speaker and the students.

Continuing Dental Education - CDEs

The Anatomy Department is also conducting several CDE programs for the benefit of students. The topics for CDEs will be on various fields of basic medical sciences, medical, dental and research. These programs are conducted throughout the year.

Faculty Development Program - FDPs

Here @ Saveetha the knowledge of the Faculty are enriched, updated and nourished upon conducting various FDP programs. Such faculty development program are conducted in scheduled manner in the College and the Faculty are free to attend the sessions organized by other institutions.

STAR Summit

STAR Summit is the annual Research Summit of Saveetha Dental College for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Basic Medical Science Conferences

Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) is the annual conference for dental students alone conducted by Basic medical sciences Department. The specialty of this conference is the total number of delegates will be a minimum of 600 with both national and International participants.


Edify is the periodic representation of the academic activity done in the department.


Several Workshops has been organized by the department for the hands-on training of the subject concerned. One remarkable workshop event was “The Body and the Mind” which had a very good response among several outside colleges.


CONAP - 2017 is an collaborative conference between Anatomy and Physiology to showcase the correlation between these two subjects in medical and dental sciences.