Rashtriya Uchchattar Shiksha Abhiyan - RUSA (National Higher Education Mission) is a holistic scheme of development for higher education in India initiated in the year 2013 by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. Under this prestigious scheme of the Government of India, University of Madras, the Mother University of all old Universities of South India, organized an "Skill Based Internship Pragramme" RUSA 2.0, Phase-III with eminent speakers in the concerned field. Dr. M. Karthik Ganesh, Assistant Professor & Scientist, Department of Anatomy, SDCH was honoured as Guest Speaker on 18th July 2023 at The Department of Anatomy, Dr. A.L.M. PG Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Taramani Campus, Chennai. He gave his invited lecture entitled "Professional Training in Histology and Histotechniques on Microtomy" and shared his expertise with research scholars and post graduates.